Gen Z Is Becoming the Generation of Sustainability

3 min readOct 6, 2021

The pandemic, a disruptive financial catastrophe in modern history, caused chaos on many people’s finances, and Gen Z is the way to overcome it
by Q-Better | Queue Management & Business Intelligence

No generation has had a greater impact than Generation Z

If it took years for the Great Recession to take off, the pandemic began in a blink of an eye, and just like that, we were forced to splurge, and to waste less.

The pandemic did not start the sustainability movement, we have always and consistently been aware of the changes we need to make. But it certainly put it on the A-List.

Sustainable Retail: The Next Normal is all about saving the planet

According to recent studies, GenZ is so focused on their mission that they are willing to pay 10% more on sustainable products. Millennials are joining the cause, and both are likely to buy based on values — personal, social, and environmental.

Generation Z is about to become the largest consumer base

The entry of Generation Z into the economy generates a massive market with significant purchasing power. Businesses that can best recognize the specific buying tastes and behaviours of this youthful market will be able to profit from it.

What Gen Z wants

After a lot of reading and research from many studies, we have come to the conclusion that the majority of Millennials and Gen Z:

| do not admire any particular brand
| have their opinion influenced by friends, more than by TV
| do not tend to go into stores to ask for advice, they know what they want
| want to try their products in-person before buying them, despite the take off of online shopping

So, how are we on online or in-store shopping?

If young generations were the engine behind online shopping, how come they still prefer to buy in-store? Simple: they want to see and try on what they are buying. Online shopping has the advantages of being convenient, cheap and in some cases, fast in delivery, but there is no way to see how we look with the product, to touch it!

Appeal to them with our Contactless Solution

Aiming to change the way organisations manage their relationships with customers, Q-Better idealized a new powerful tool that will lead to a continuous cycle of improvement, a smart queueing system based on IoT & Cloud technologies. Qube is a contactless and green solution that does not require any hardware, you can access everything with just an URL.

The E-Ticket is the perfect ecological way for you to keep your head in the game, and it is a safer and comfortable way of waiting for all visitors.




QUEUE MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE | Software to improve organizations performance and visitors’ experience. Contactless and Virtual Queueing solutions.